about me

hi there!
i am a southern gal (although you probably wouldn't guess it until a "y'all" slips out) recently transplanted to michigan (more on that later - it's a good story). in the words of my good friend lizzie bennet, i dearly love to laugh. i have a great affection for food (cookies especially - see exhibit a), a well-written love story on page or screen, following Jesus, and a good cozy chat with a friend. i came to the sphere of adulthood (aka graduating college) during the pandemic (which was a curveball), and now i am navigating WFH life while also adjusting to being a new wife in a new place in a new house...perhaps you notice a theme there?
a fun life goal of mine at the moment is figuring out how to avoid grocery shopping on the weekends because who wants to do that on your day off? pick-up grocery orders and low LOE recipes are some of my dearest loves in this season.
i have been cooking for as long as i can remember. from cutting grapes with a not-too-sharp knife to trying new recipes for church potlucks, making and enjoying food is an essential part of who i am. cooking also holds many sweet memories of growing up cooking with my mom and sisters. savoring is more of a journal than a standard food blog - a place to document recipes i'm making and share some of my favorites along the way.
i am by nature impatient and a much bigger fan of "doing" and crossing off a check list than being "in the process". so, basically not a natural savorer. however, i am learning that so much of life is lived between the starting and the finishing. in addition to savoring food, i want to be better at savoring life and the gifts God has given. in short (or maybe in long) the name of this blog is aspirational, not experiential; through sharing food for thought and for stomachs, perhaps together we can learn to take a deep breath and savor the simple gift of being.