oh, hello there! welcome to my little corner of the internet. i'm so glad you're here. i'm fran, and you can learn a little more about me here. i may be 15 years too late to the blogging game, but i wanted a space outside of social media to share thoughts, curate recipes and perhaps find some new pals along the way.
the main things you will find here 1] food for thought and 2] food for stomachs. i'm in a season of a lot of transition in my life and i possess the sometimes unfortunate skill of and being a slow processor and stewing internally with my thoughts and feelings. my hope is that this blog may help me process better and perhaps hone my writing skills (i do love a 2 for 1 deal). i think some of the things noodling around in my brain might resonate with you too!
as the second item, i am intensely passionate about food and usually think at least two meals ahead. i haven't delved into recipe development, but i think i've grown a pretty good picker for recipes - not all Pinterest recipes are created equal. our home growing up was very food-centric, and i have some tasty nostalgic recipes to share here as well.